"You stink... deliciously" Easily the sexiest thing a person can ever say. |
There's this retarded trend on Facebook that's been around for quite a while.
It features a bunch of ghetto people posting pictures of naked chicks in order to show that they are sluts or something. Actually they just want to post some porn on facebook for some fucking reason.
Yes, I'm talking about that Exposing Smuts/Sluts/whatever bullshit.
I don't even know where to begin with this.
Let me tell you why this "Exposing ___" bullshit is retarded.
First of all, the source of those pics are from people who got them from some chick who thought, "Hey, I'm gonna send this dude a picture of myself naked." (Or guy; I don't remember ever seeing guys getting posted)
At least have some kind of respect for those dumbasses who thought it would be a great idea to send them out in the first place. Is there really a reason to "expose" them on some facebook page?
Well, that reasoning doesn't matter to me much because, well, why would you send that type of pic to someone in the first place?
Secondly, the people who admin it and the fans of those pages are always, ALWAYS ghetto people.
There isn't even an ounce of intelligence coming out of their words.
They go on and on in their butchered english and shameless behavior.
What makes it worse is that if it happened to them, they would not stop bitching about it.
I'm not talking about how Stan handled the eavesdropper situation on the WikiLeaks episode of South park, I'm talking about going batshit insane.
They will not shut the fuck up if you criticize them like I'm doing in this rant.
They will surround you with their stupidity and will cause you to want to shove a nail into your toenail.
They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be stopped, they cannot be fucking contained since they mate like rabbits.
Except you know, rabbits are actually cute.
But the worst part of it all, the thing that angers me to no end is...!
The fact that they're posting porn on facebook.
Now don't get the wrong idea, here. I have nothing against porn.
I'm pretty damn sure everybody likes some porn from time to time.
And I hope that if I ever monetize this blog with ads, it'll look over this post.
They're using this "exposing" bullshit as an excuse to post fucking porn on facebook.
I have no clue why their fans are so retarded that they can't even go to google images and search a four letter word (for those pansies who are scared of getting a virus or something).
It makes as much sense as the quantum theory does to a rock.
The thing is, they can't even enjoy it for long either.
They post a picture and take it down in 5 or so minutes so fb doesn't do something to them.
That is completely pointless.
Seriously though, if I wanted to see some goddamn tits, I would google it or I would go to 4chan.
There is no reason to follow a page like that.
Case closed.
Next time, on dtk's rantings!
Feminists and Soccer Moms